Understanding UNEA 5.1: A Special Webinar for Major Groups and Other Stakeholders
Oline capacity building webinar to prepare for the UNEP Oslo on-line consultation “Act#forNature” which is the beginning of the UNEA 5 preparatory process.
Oline capacity building webinar to prepare for the UNEP Oslo on-line consultation “Act#forNature” which is the beginning of the UNEA 5 preparatory process.
Oline capacity building webinar to prepare for the UNEP Oslo on-line consultation “Act#forNature” which is the beginning of the UNEA 5 preparatory process.
Stakeholder Forum for a Sustainable Future presents a guide for Major Groups and relevant Stakeholders to help their engagement towards UNEA-5
Capacity building workshop on the UN system, on lobbying member states, and tools to engage in UNEA and the Sustainable Development Goals.