Stakeholder Forum Sustainability Policy
The Stakeholder Forum Sustainability Policy has been developed so that we can minimise our carbon footprint, and play our part in sustaining the Earth for future generations and the creatures with which we share our planet.
Management Commitment: This policy is endorsed by the senior management team, and responsibility for the policy lies with the Executive Director. The Stakeholder Forum Board will charge the ED with a biennial review to consider and develop opportunities for continual improvement.
In an effort to minimise the organisation’s impact on the environment, the Stakeholder Forum team has since 2017 been working virtually without a physical office. While we minimise travel, when we travel by air our policy is to purchase carbon offsets when they are available from airlines or alternative sources. And where possible, we reside in shared rooms or with colleagues, family, or friends at our destinations.
Virtual Working Teams Waste avoidance
- Publications are created in electronic formats.
- Documents are read electronically, not printed, and if printed paper will be reused whenever possible.
- All paper, card, and other materials classed as rubbish will be recycled.
- The Stakeholder Forum team is committed to using glasses or mugs for the provision of water/coffee/tea rather than plastic or paper cups at conference and dining venues if available.
- The Stakeholder Forum team is committed to moving towards low energy PC-based and related technology wherever appropriate.
Purchasing Policy
- Wherever appropriate, the Stakeholder Forum team will purchase 100% recycled paper.
- If printing is necessary, Stakeholder Forum Publications will be on 100% recycled paper.
- When purchasing events or conference services, SF will minimise their environmental impact by considering the above commitments and implementing our environmental events guidelines.
Engagement: This sustainability policy is available to all interested parties via our website. We will communicate this policy and other relevant environmental information to our team and those whom we engage on a short-term consultancy basis. We will also consider all suggestions to improve SF’s environmental performance and implement these where practicable.
You can download the SF Sustainability Policy here.
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