Stakeholder Forum

New Publication: Decisions Taken at United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA) 5.1, With Consequences for UNEA 5.2 and the Final Outcome of UNEA 5 – A Synthesis Paper

Commissioned by the Civil Society Unit of the United Nations Environment Programme, Stakeholder Forum Senior Adviser on Governance Jan-Gustav Strandenaes explains what happened at UNEA 5.1, the first of the two UNEA 5 sessions,...

Building Meaningful & Effective Engagement by Major Group Stakeholders with UNEA 5.2 and the United Nations Environment Programme: A Webinar for Stakeholders in the 6 UNEP Regions

Six regional capacity-building workshops for UNEP Major Groups stakeholders will inform participants about the resumed session of United Nations Environment Assembly-UNEA 5.2, to be held from 28 February to 2 March 2022 in Nairobi,...

The Stockholm+49 Summit

On October 20 and 21, 2021, world-renowned scientists, economists, lawyers, and diplomats will debate solutions to the environmental crisis and what the 2022 Declaration should include to solve it. This online event will culminate...

Stakeholder Forum’s Leida Rijnhout Speaks on Environmental Governance and Law in the 2nd episode of the podcast series ‘Common Home Conversations Pathway to 2022’

Broadcast on 11 August 2021, Stakeholder Forum Senior Advisor on Governance Leida Rijnhout was interviewed by Kimberly White, CEO of the Planetary Press where the theme ‘To Achieve Environmental Justice, We Need a Level...