Stakeholder Forum Announces Publications by Two of its Fellows

Two publications were launched by Stakeholder Forum Fellows in November and early December

The first, Education and Learning for a Sustainable Future: 50 Yrs of Learning for Environment and Change, expanded on the Legacy Paper on the same subject authored by Thomas Macintyre, Daniella Tilbury, an SF Fellow, and Arjen Wals originally published in the People’s Environment Narrative, a product of the Stakeholder Forum’s Towards Stockholm+50 project.

Funded by the Dutch government to extend the work, and published as open access, Routledge also recognized the potential readership of this text and funded its hardcopy publication which can be found here.

Read more about this deep dive into sustainable development education on the Taylor & Frances Group (parent of Routledge) website, where you can also download the PDF version.

The second publication is the 2024 version of Stakeholder Forum’s 2021 sdg2030 Series Paper 2. Financing for the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Climate Agreement: The UN Ecosystem of Initiatives on Private Sector Finance 2024, has been updated by SF Fellow Felix Dodds and SF Associate Dr. Ahmed Rachid (AR) El-Khattabi.

It was introduced to a global audience during a webinar on 9 December 2004 with a panel of special guests including some of the updated report’s authors. They were Amelia Santos Paulino, Chief of the Investment Research Section at UNCTAD’s Division on Investment and Enterprise, Sahba Sobhani, Director of UNDP Istanbul International Center for Private Sector in Development, Tim Hilger, Economic Affairs Officer, United Nations Financing for Sustainable Development Office, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA), Camille Malafosse, Associate Economic Affairs Officer United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, Carleigh McFarlane, Senior Manager, Sustainable Finance & UNGC-PRI Liaison UN Global Compact, and Casper Sonesson, Policy Advisor, UN Capital Development Fund (UNCDF).

You can download the report here, and download a recording of the webinar here by entering this passcode: 401H^rTx