Future of the HLPF: Lessons from the proposal for a Sustainable Development Council for the UN General Assembly from Rio+20 for the future of the High Level Political Forum
On 13 July 2020, a ‘Pop Up Side Event’ webinar during the 2020 High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development, developed and delivered by Stakeholder Forum, revisited the ideas that were suggested by the Member States and stakeholders in the preparation for Rio+20 concerning the issue of what body should be created to replace the Commission on Sustainable Development.
In particular, the webinar looked at the proposal for a Council on Sustainable Development within the UN General Assembly. Are there any ideas that might help Member States in their present review of the work of ECOSOC and the UNGA second committee?
The HLPF has just completed in 2019 its first four-year review, and 2020 is the 75th anniversary of the creation of the United Nations. This virtual UN HLPF side event offered a chance for open discussion on the best way for addressing sustainable development in the follow up to Rio+20 and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It looked back at the ideas that were being suggested in 2012 to see if they offer any insights for the way forward.
The webinar recording can be found on the Stakeholder Forum YouTube channel, and the presentation here: Lessons from the Proposal for a SD Council for the UN GA for the Future of the HLPF (13 July 2020)
- Mohamed Khalil, Sustainable development and climate change senior expert, and Former G77 & China lead coordinator and negotiator for Institutional Framework for Sustainable Development
- Jan Gustav Strandenaes, Senior advisor on governance for Stakeholder Forum
- Paula Caballero, RARE Managing Director for Climate and Water – previously Director for Economic, Social and Environmental Affairs in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Colombia where she spearheaded and helped shape the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals
- Albert Butare, Rwanda former Minister or Energy and Water and former Co-chair of the 2011 Germany Nexus Conference
- Marianne Beisheim, Senior Associate, German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP)
Moderator: Felix Dodds, Adjunct Professor Water Institute, University of North Carolina