Hey UN! Here is your Golden Opportunity for Global Relevance – Musings on the 2020 World Economic Situations and Prospects Report

Earlier this week the United Nations issued the “2020 World Economic Situations and Prospects report,” a high-level annual report. It is chock full of economic information collected by just about every United Nations Economic analysis body.

It begins by highlighting how the global economy has suffered a significant slowdown amid prolonged trade disputes and wide-ranging policy uncertainties. While a slight uptick in economic activity is forecast for 2020, the World Economic Situation and Prospects 2020 warns that economic risks remain strongly tilted to the downside, aggravated by deepening political polarization and increasing skepticism over the benefits of multilateralism. These risks could inflict severe and long-lasting damage on development prospects. They also threaten to encourage a further rise in inward-looking policies, at a point when global cooperation is paramount.

With an interesting engineer’s perspective on the report, SF technology partner Rik van Hemmen of Martin & Ottaway, recognized as one of the United States’ foremost marine consulting firms, shares his view in a blog well worth reading. Hey UN! Here is your Golden Opportunity for Global Relevance – Musings on the 2020 World Economic Situations and Prospects Report